On the Duty of Fiduciary in International Syndicated Loans 国际银团贷款中牵头行、代理行的诚信义务问题
Then it introduces overseas mature real estate financing way, including real estate investment fund, international syndicated loans, bridge loan, real estate property securitization at overseas operation experience and respective characteristic. 然后介绍国外成熟的房地产融资方式,包括房地产投资基金、国际银团贷款、过桥贷款、房地产资产证券化在国外的运作经验和各自特点。
The disputes of international syndicated loans can be solved by transnational lawsuits, and currently through international business arbitration. 国际银团贷款争议的解决长期倾向于跨国诉讼,近年来却倾向于国际商事仲裁,其原因有多种,值得注意。
The Problems of SMEs Loans International Syndicated Loans and International Business Arbitration 小企业贷款未解之题国际银团贷款争议与国际商事仲裁的勃兴
International syndicated loans is subject to validity of the arbitration agreement. 国际银团贷款争议诉诸国际商事仲裁的前提是仲裁协议的有效性,国际银团贷款争议的国际商事仲裁的程序适用普通的国际商事仲裁程序,但要注意一些电子文本的法律效力。